Qc and Packing

10 / 10
From 1 The user

After exiting the annealing lehr and cold coating, the glass containers enter the quality control and packaging hall, the glasses are transfered to fully automatic inspection machines through the conveyors.

These machines are equipped with ultra-advanced cameras for taking photos of different parts of bottles and jars. The image processing software based on sensitive diagnostic mechanisms detects eventual defects and separates the defective glass containers as well as transfering them to cullet conveyor unit.

After quality control,the accepted products are directed to the fully automatic packaging machines through the conveyors. The entire process, including transfer, quality control, packaging and shrinking along the way from the exit of the Annealing lehr to the packaging machine, is done automatically without the intervention of hands, and human power is used to control the machines and adjust the software and hardware of the machines.


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